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Lack of Subscription Integration

David Judah · ·
8:02 PM Tuesday, 29 October 2013
Hi there,

I am very happy with EasySocial and think it is absolutely an amazing component. I wouldn't even dream of using another one for my soon to launch social website. The problem I have is very simple:

There is no subscription app!!

I mean, how are EasySocial web masters suppose to make money to fund their site without such a basic capabilities. Stackideas were amazing to work with JReviews and Invitex and were boasting how quick and easy it was to integrate both components.

I contacted JPayPlans sometime ago and this is the response that i got:

Right now Payplans does not have any integration with Easysocial. We have already planned to provide integration.
After studying it we will schedule it. (23rd October 2013)

Now I know that Stackideas are not responsible for other companies and JPayPlan are only one company that offers subscription components, but I think it is hard for me to understand why go through all of this hard work to create a social component and basically not think how will my customers (such as myself) will be able to use it beyond offering it as a free service.

I don't mean to start a whole stream of people giving out, I just think it would be nice to get a simple explanation (and hopefully a solution) because at this stage, it is the only major thing holding the release of my site to the world wide web.

Thanks in advance:)
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