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JReviews Integration

Emilio Navas · ·
9:56 AM Friday, 09 December 2016
Good morning!
I am trying to upgrade today my subscription to the Pro Bundle. Excited to put all your extensions in my project!! :-)

I have one final question about it.
My site is about Hong Kong. Will be a directory with news for expatriates and potential tourist. One of the main pieces will be JReviews for the city guide. Now I think will be great to add a forum system and some social capabilities as well :-)

I am checking the compatibility of Stackideas extensions and JReviews and I found some informations, but mostly outdated. (I think) My mainly questions are:

- Can I integrate your profile user system to use with JReviews?
- Can I use Komento as comments system in the JReviews listing?
- Do you know any special issue with the layout or any other incompatibility between both products?
- Do you know any of your users that have this combination of extensions to check his/her page as showcase? (This will be very useful to me)

This other one is about the template...
- How works your extensions with Joomlart templates (Actually for Teline V template)

Thank you very much! Sorry if I write too much questions...
Waiting for your answer to go ahead and start just today to test!

You and your extensions rocks!!!
Best regards,
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