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Joomla Modules can not showing in articles

Nick Mantas · ·
3:17 AM Saturday, 08 February 2020
Hi, i use EasyBlog Menu Item Type * (Posts) Frontpage as default page in Joomla. But i have a problem when i make a module to show in frontpage (like showcase module) this module shows up also at articles page even when i select from module to show only to the selected menu item home page. Is anywhay to remove the module shows in articles page ?
With a little self searching i found the following code

With this instructions :

Open the file index.php located under the templates/[template-name] folder on your Joomla website.
In the desired location, add the following code:
<?php if (JRequest::getVar( 'view' ) != 'article') : ?>
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="[module-position-name]" />
<?php endif; ?>

Upload the index.php back to the templates/[template-name] folder.

Assign your modules to the [module-position-name].

Browse your website and you will notice that these modules will not appear on article pages, just category pages.

But this code i think that only works if i use only Joomla Articles. :(
Please any ideas ?!
Thanks in advanced !

My website is not yet online because we moving from wordpress to joomla so i use a sub domain v2.intownpost.com and we will swap to intownpost.com

*I need to keep same alias because we have 2K articles that we share with social networks and we have up to 200k shares So all this links must stay the same with the old one we use at wordpress.
** And we really like Pegination style autoload future , very good job !!! Either way with the grid you have not this problem because have already showcase. Please help me ! :D
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