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Java Script (iFrame) removed when saving blog post

Liesel Teversham · ·
2:54 AM Tuesday, 19 November 2013
Dear Easyblog team,

I am using a Joomla 2.5 site and JCE Editor.
I'm experiencing the following:
In the Joomla articles, I have managed to enable iFrames through the settings of JCE Editor.
Look at this article: http://www.no-problem-book.com/index.php/in-the-news (bottom of the page - the script is running perfectly to bring in the Blogtalkradio player)

In Easyblog I'm trying to do the same thing. However, the embed code is stripped every time I save.
I have tried suggestions from a previous support request, and I have not yet got it to work.
Here is the one where I'm having no luck: http://www.no-problem-book.com/index.php/easyblog/entry/how-to-manage-7-children-and-stay-sane

Thanks so much for your help.
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