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Invite Friends Editor Setting

LAC Webadmin · ·
2:14 PM Friday, 12 September 2014

Is there a way to change the default Editor in Invite Friends? It is using TinyMCE by default including the editor buttons at the bottom. I assume the Invite Friends feature is available to all Users so giving all users a full access to Editor is a suicide in my opinion. Depending on what editor button a website has it will be made available to users. Say for example NoNumbers Sorcerer which enables a user to include a Php code in the body of Article. You can't turn off Editor button since it might also be used by Site Admins or Staff.

Not just the Edito button, but the Tiny MCE editor itself. There is no control for Site Admins in this Invite Friends. I suggest, instead of TinyMCE why not use MarkIt Up editor for regular users, just like what is used in the Forum? But... please give Site Admins control over what Editor to use. This will also be a good Marketing Tool for Site Admin sending out an Invitation just like a Newsletter and with that Site Admins needs a better Editor compared to regular users.


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