UPDATES EasyBlog 6.0.11 Released! Update to the latest version now!


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Hi Guys.
I've recently started using a new template from Arrow themes. It didn't work to start, so Joel has recoded it to respect EasySocial and EasyDiscuss. Unfortunately though, the EasyBlog side of things isn't able to be changed by his template he says. He said the following in a post:
I've inspected the page and it seems to be an issue with easyblog css styling where it specifies a height for the ezblog input boxes. If you notice all the other input boxes in easysocial look fine except for the blog app. You can override that by adding this to custom.css

How do I go about changing this for all the input boxes on the site. If you log in to the site and write a new blog, you'll see what I mean.
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