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I need help to install the easysocial on my website.

Nurhalis M Lauselang · ·
3:59 PM Monday, 04 February 2019
I have moved my website hosting to siteground.com and installed the easysocial component as you reccommeded.

However, first as I assume that the installation has not been done perfectly, I need you to check and to probably reinstall it so it can perform as how it should be. The issue is that there is message appeared telling that the version is out of date and recommending upgrading to newest version ("Running on an outdated version of EasySocial which may potentially be exploited by attackers. Please upgrade to the latest version the soonest possible";), and as I did it, it always failed to upgrade even after several attempts ("Error updating component when using the API from Joomla. Please try again";). So please help me with installation.

Second, as I want to create a native mobile version of easy social, please let me know what are the differences between the easysocial mobile application that is currently on the store and the one (mobile web template) that is on http://stackideas.com/apps

To be a social media website, how secured is my website And could you please suggest things that I may have to do dealing with security issue? I really appreciate your help. Thank you
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