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this is not an Easydiscuss issue, but since I was able to solve it everywhere but in my forum I thought about asking here, maybe you can shed some light on this :)

So, I have a custom form for registering new users here

And I'd like to redirect all
to this new page

I tried via .htaccess

Redirect 301 /accedi?view=registration https://mysite.it/registrati
Redirect 301 /index.php?option=com_users&view=registration https://mysite.it/registrati

but it doesn't work.
I also tried disabling the Joomla user registration in user management, but this causes the joomla registration urls to just redirect to the login form (still ignoring my .htaccess redirects).

Generally but in the forum, I solved by installing a login form where I can customize easily the url where to send new users for registration, but in Easydiscuss the "register" link in the login form si still pointing to the default Joomla registration page.

I know I could just customize the login form template, but I was wondering if there was a less invasive solution, or if you know what could be causing this issue (.htaccess redirects not working in this case).

Thank you
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