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How to add EB post's category and content to ES komento's stream item

Benoit Gonneville Damme · ·
4:41 PM Wednesday, 10 February 2016

This is the same question than this post: http://stackideas.com/forums/how-to-add-eb-image-to-komento-s-es-stream-item. I wanted to add the following question to the thread but the discussion was locked.

I know this is customization, so I am not asking for direct help, but I am just trying to figure out with the small knowledge I have, how to do what I want to do. Sorry for bothering :s

In the previous discussion, we assigned variables

$this->set('image', $comment->extension->_item->getImage());
$this->set('permalink', $comment->extension->_item->getPermalink());

To be able to call in content.php
<?php echo $image; ?>

I am trying to add the original EB post's category and content to the stream item and I can't find the correct expression to use to call and assigned those variables...

I tried this:

$this->set(title, $comment->extension->_item->getCategory());
$this->set('content', $comment->extension->_item->getContent());

or this

$this->set('category', $item->category);
$this->set('content', $item->content);

and this in the content.php
<?php echo $category; ?>

None of these work. I have just been able to call the title with
<?php echo $comment->contenttitle; ?>

Again, I know this is more a customization then a issue, but if you find time to indicate me the correct expression (or a documentation I could read to understand it myself), I would greatly appreciated.

Thank you for considering helping me out!


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