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Hello. "All videos" section display users' and cluster's videos.

I'm looking for the way to display cluster (group) title if video was added to cluster. Like on attached screen. Add some "mark".

It's important in this case: For example moderator see some "forbidden adult video" in "all videos section". He is angry and ready to delete it. But with this "mark" moderator can understand that video was added to private "adult group and visible for few users.

I found file: components/com_easysocial/themes/wireframe/videos/default/item.php
or override: templates/shaper_helixultimate/html/com_easysocial/videos/default/item.php

There is code:

<?php if ($browseView) { ?>
<div class="es-card__meta t-lg-mb--sm">
<ol class="g-list--horizontal">
<li class="g-list__item"><?php echo $this->html('html.user', $video->creator, true);?></li>

<?php } ?>

Can you please give me a hint? What code should I add to display clickable cluster's title?

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