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Easysocial already allows for the earning of points through social actions. What if you could earn points through social actions such as visiting a real world location that would be set at a latitude and longitude. I'm sure this beyond want can be integrated in Easysocial, this would require a downloadable app. I see that Layar App has a Geo Layers feature. I'm wondering if there is anyway to interface between an AR app and have the user earn points by visiting a location and have that rule be connected into the Easysocial system. Or might you have suggestions for AR development apps that would allow me as a web developer to somehow connect my database of Geocoded locations be applied to the real world....and have the user earn points and have those points recorded in Easysocial. I know this is a complex idea. I'm reaching out to see if you have any ideas on how I could accomplish this.


Dan Cote
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