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Groups in Easydiscuss menu isn't visible

Tony Boutemeur · ·
4:37 PM Friday, 04 May 2018

On Easydiscuss menu, "Groups" (after Badges) isn't visible.

When I enabled Easydiscuss toolbar, it was visible.

I took a look in mod_easydiscuss_navigation in /templates/vanilla/html and Group menu is written as the original folder in /components/com_easydiscuss/themes/wireframe/toolbar/default.php

<?php if ($group) { ?>
<li class="<?php echo $active == 'groups' ? ' is-active' : '';?>">
<a href="/<?php echo EDR::_('view=groups');?>" class="ed-navbar__footer-link"><?php echo JText::_('COM_EASYDISCUSS_TOOLBAR_GROUPS');?></a>
<?php } ?>

I created a fake group with a fake discussion with Easydiscuss app and the discussion was created (all works as expected) but impossible to find this discussion in Easydiscuss (instead of from Easysocial group) if I don't get a Group link in Easydiscuss menu.

Do you have an idea for fix it?
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