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event image selection

Paul Varney · ·
12:50 AM Monday, 25 May 2015
Don't know how hard this is....but it would be great it when you are choosing to add an event cover and avatar, you had access to all your uploaded images, rather than just the event's albums!

I'm sure there are other sites in the same position as us...

Events is a big driver to our site (soon to become sites!) and in the early days events are being added by a few people. I've a bank now of covers and avatars for events but it's a slower job to have to navigate through my pc files everytime, especially as many or them are generic and used many times. It might also get general users to actually add images to these places!!

Surely it can't be that hard to give access to all the images that a user has uploaded previously?

It would be a great feature I'm sure!!

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