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StackIdeas adds Drag and Drop and Innovation

With our first look at EasyBlog 5, the hard working StackIdeas Team has blown us away with the teaser that shows us end-users the flexible drag and drop capabilities that will make EasyBlog 5 extremely intuitive and easy to use. It is my hope that when you add similar UI features into EasySocial such as the forthcoming very important Video features to EasySocial 1.4. I believe the Si Team will innovate and go way beyond what is offered in competing platforms such as JomSocial and social platforms such as Facebook. Let's face it. The standard boring Videos in Categories feature that is in other social networking tools is nothing new, and most often people don't use Videos that much because they are not engaged to watch the videos for various reasons. I believe that the StackIdeas Team can get real innovative with Videos in EasySocial 1.4. and make Videos real engaging.

I sure hope the StackIdeas Team will add valuable input into this discussion and give us feedback before the new Videos features are implemented in ES 1.4, so that the Video features added to ES 1.4 will go way beyond the standard boring video features UI that we see today. I have confidence that the Si Team will include us in these discussions on what is going into Videos, as many have waited patiently for Videos in ES 1.4.

I have researched numerous Enterprise Social social tools and Social Knowledge Management tools over the years and one company that is a pioneer in this field is Bloomfire. http://www.bloomfire.com They have an excellent product, and their approach to the end user experience is radically different and engaging, because they didn't copy the standard Facebook like interface that most every other company has used as a guideline. Instead Bloomfire has come up with an elegant, easy to use drag and drop set of features in their product to engage content creators and end users and have captured a huge growing list of corporate and educational users.

This late spring 2014 the Bloomfire Team added Video Series to their Bloomfire Enterprise Social Collaboration product based on customer feedback, and it has shown a massive boast to their product satisfaction and has vastly increased their sales in a highly competitive market segment.

This is part of the UI - A Drag and Drop approach to creating a Video Series in Bloomfire. I am trying to find a video so i can capture the full UI. I will add it when I find it.


What would you like to see the Videos Feature do for you in EasySocial 1.4?

Imagine a similar Drag and Drop UI for a Video Series Composer

I am sure that a few UI visionaries on this forum can come up with a mockup of what a Video Composer would look like in EasySocial 1.4. I do hope some of you mock one up and add the image below to evolve this discussion. Here is the screenshot of the EasyBlog 5 UI.

What do you think the Video Series Composer UI should look like?


I for one, would be so pleased to see the following Video Composer Features added in ES 1.4:

1. Easily Curate Virtual Video Playlists to Make Videos and Engaging Experience

Quickly and easily create a virtual playlist of multi-media content (videos, audio, sound, slideshows) through an easy to use drag and drop UI to make it real easy for people to gather videos into a container (Series) to teach and educate people about a specific subject, and to train new employees, customers or partners on a specific topic.

You simply drag and drop the desired multi-media video post or video content into a container and organize the videos in the container to guide the users. This feature would also be a great way to create a centralize assets for key meeting or initiatives.

2. Video Series Playlist Composer

Develop a Video Series Playlist Composer that follows the same UI guidelines that the StackIdeas Team has implemented in EasyBlog 5 featuring a similar drag and drop UI that allows content Creators to quickly and easily create a virtual playlist of videos for guiding people through a topic, or for training new employees on a specific topic. You simply drag and drop the desired multi-media video post into the series container and organize the posts in an order to guide the users. Make sure there is an Advanced reporting feature to allow the person who Posted the Virtual playlist of videos so they can track series completion rates by people, or employees, groups or sub-communities.

3. Why Add Video Series rather than the standard Video in a Category - add comments?

A common question that many content creators, managers and administrators of sites hear from users is “where do I start?”

The one Video in a Category - then add comments approach to social engagement is becoming so outdated, and boring, and does little to offer organization of videos into an engaging experience because it uses the less than engaging boring just like everyone else method that makes videos hard to find to allow end-users engaging User Experience for end-users. It's time for an innovative drag and drop Video Series Composer.

By adding the Series Series Composer feature to Videos in ES 1.4 this will provide the best solution and answer. Drag and drop posts into a Series. Think of it as a Recommended Playlist for learning. With a Series of videos, you can structure the experience to build knowledge bit by bit, one video after the other, in an order that the Content Creator chooses so that people can learn best. No longer do people have to go find another similar video that the Content Creator added elsewhere. The videos are contained in the Series as the Content Creator/Author intended. And the viewing of the videos can be tracked with analytics by people and the Author.

Allow Video Series Composer content created and added in EasySocial 1.4 to be added to a future version of EasyBlog 5.x. Another Container Type.

The Video Series Playlist approach with an Innovative Drag & Drop interface would be an awesome addition to the StackIdeas forums and other sites, so that people can learn how to use the features of the StackIdeas products easily. I wish that I had this so I could create and add Videos in a Series to help people learn how to use your products. I have been researching this for a long time and think of it as a Video Knowledgebase at you fingertips.

4. Enhanced User Experience

I believe the StackIdeas Team can be a pioneer leader by adding something beyond the boring Video in a Category that we see today. I think you can create the easiest social learning tool and make it drag and drop simple and easy to use. Your design and development team have been hard at work enhancing EasySocial 1.3 and EasyBlog 5, and we all wait patiently while you implement the aspects of the user experience based on our feedback, and it is my hope that you will include us in the discussions for Videos in ES 1.4 so we can be a more integrated asset into the usability tests and customer feedback as you create EasySocial 1.4 in the Videos section.

The following is the API from Video Series in Bloomfire that will give you an idea of what features are available and how 3rd Party DEvelopers can take advantage of Video Series to implement into ES 1.4.x.

Field map
For series, the following fields are available in API requests.

Bloomfire Video Series API is located here: https://help.bloomfire.com/doc/api/v2/series.html

Field Type Public Notes
id integer Yes An id assigned to the series, which is unique within the current organization.

author [user] Yes The user object of the primary author of the series.

title string Yes The title of the series.

description string Yes The description of the series.

posts [post1, post2, …] Yes Array of posts that make up this series, in the order they will appear.

posts_count integer Yes Total number of posts that make up this series.

published boolean Yes True, if the series is in a published state, and other users can view it. False, if series is in a draft state.

public boolean Yes True, if the series is public.

featured boolean Yes True, when the series is selected for the featured content section of the homepage.

categories [category1, category2, …] Yes Array of categories (fields: id, name) associated with the series.

categories_count integer Yes Total number of categories associated with the series.

keywords [tag1, tag2, …] Yes Array of tags (fields: id, name) associated with the series.

keywords_count integer Yes Total number of tags associated with the series.

liked boolean No True, if the logged-in user has Hi-Fived this series.

likes [hi_five1, hi_five2, …] No Array of Hi-Fives users have submitted for this series.

likes_count integer No Total number of Hi-Fives given to this series.

followed boolean No True, if logged-in user is following the series.

followers [user1, user2, …] No Array of user objects, representing users following the series.

followers_count integer No Total number of users who follow the series.

comments [comment1, comment2, …] No Array of comments contributed to this series.

comments_count integer No Total number of comments contributed to this series.

views_count integer No Total number of the views by user since the first time the series was published.

popularity integer No A global popularity ranking within this organization (not necessarily unique).

created_at timestamp Yes Date and time when the series was created.

published_at timestamp Yes Date and time when the series was published.

updated_at timestamp Yes Date and time when the series was last updated.

I am sure the StackIdeas Team can go way beyond what Bloomfire Team has implemented for Series.

Please add your feedback and suggestions below on what you would like Videos in EasySocial 1.4 to be.

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