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Errors with bootstrap and buttons.js

stackideas newbie · ·
7:53 AM Thursday, 23 July 2015
Dear Tech Team,

In the process of setting up and debugging my site, I came across 2 errors on the Discussions page of EasyDiscuss. Could you please help resolve and let me know if you require any additional information?

Error 1
http://<redacted>/modules/mod_easydiscuss_categories/styles/bootstrap/mixins 404 (Category not found)
Source of error is from line 32 of /modules/mod_easydiscuss_categories/styles/style.css:
div.mod_search93 input[type="search"]{ width:auto; }

Error 2
Source of error is from the following lines -
<div id="dc_share" class="discuss-post-share"><script type="text/javascript">(function() {
var s = document.createElement('SCRIPT'), s1 = document.getElementsByTagName('SCRIPT')[0];
s.type = 'text/javascript';
s.async = true;
s.src = 'http://widgets.digg.com/buttons.js';
s1.parentNode.insertBefore(s, s1);

FYI, I am using the following -
Template/Theme: Gantry v.4.1.29
Joomla: 3.4.3

I have checked but do not find these errors in other components.

Many thanks!
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