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Dear tech support:
I went to the EasyBlog back end two days ago and found my Facebook token had expired and so I clicked to renew. It reset and said that it was set to expire one day later, yesterday. I then went back yesterday and tried to renew again with no luck. I figured that I needed to revoke and then renew. Now that I have revoked, I cannot re-sign in with Facebook. So I tried everything all over again by creating a new Facebook app (BTW, your tutorials are a bit out of date). After doing this I returned and from the EB ACL Autopost tab I still am not allowed to sign in with Facebook.
I will provide website and Facebook login info below. Anything you need to do, i.e. create a new app, change settings, or blow everything up and start over, you have my permission.
Thanks in advance!
Michael Leavitt - Orem, Utah
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