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EasySocial Light - A Slim Version

Neel · ·
9:41 PM Saturday, 04 July 2015
Hi Mark and EasySocial Team,

Hope you all are doing well. Its been awhile since I logged in here. Its going to be almost 6 months since I launched my site with ES in it and all seems well. During this time, I got the chance to assess it and its performance. I do need a few improvements for it moving forward.

My scenario is:

I use EasySocial notification module in all pages. Unfortunately, this is certainly slowing down the website quite a bit. The server side of things are all well and the number of queries ES does, php performance, latency and all are not a problem. However, the asset loaded and especially the javascript weight is causing considerable effect on client side performance and its highly noticable in mobile devices. What I really want is to be able to load "only" the scripts and css needed for that module instead of loading the entire Easysocial assets on every page. As a result, the performance on mobile devices are compromised to a big extent especially for new users who have to download all the scripts and js and it takes a bit more time after that to initialize. I dont want to remove the ES notification module since it gets hidden if I display only in ES page. Further to that, I disable a lot of features ES has out of box but it doesnt reduce the assets downloaded for it to load.

My Request is:

1) Is it possible for you to load the scripts and assets "module based"? Meaning only load the scripts and assets required for the module that is on that page? I believe this should have significant improvement on performance from the client side.

2) Is it possible to have a light version of EasySocial? In other words, dont load scripts for features that are disabled? In my case, I disable Events, Groups and many of the features you might be releasing in the future like Pages, Videos, etc.. I dont need any of that. Therefore, EasySocial assets are just going to get bigger and bigger and that doesnt help me when I dont want a full blown features it has out of box. So, I would prefer if ES only loads whats enabled and whats needed instead of loading a big pile of files that are not needed for my site.

3) The only features I really want in Easysocial are Streams, Friends, Albums, Notifications, Points and Achievements, Thats all. Everything else are disabled. If Easysocial loads based on modules, then the asset size should reduce considerably for cases like me.

Is it possible? My 6 months subscription had expired but I am considering to extend it only if I can reduce the assets in some ways instead of upgrading to a bigger asset / feature sets when I wont be needing many of them.

Please do let me know what you can do.

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