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EasyBlog subscription renew - coupon code does nothing

Carol Mattsson · ·
2:32 PM Thursday, 05 June 2014
Hello, I'd like to renew my EasyBlog subscription so I can upgrade a Joomla 1.5 website's EasyBlog to version 3.9 for the security fix. I've logged in to my EasyBlog account (I think) and I'm placing an order for the "community" $59 version of EasyBlog, here: http://sites.fastspring.com/stackideas/order/contents. I've put in coupon code xxxxx3x for the 30% discount but it doesn't seem to be affecting the price at all. Can you help me to renew my EasyBlog subscription for this inviting discount price?

Thanks, Carol Mattsson
(userid mattsson)
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