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EasyBlog Feature Request

Kevin Morrison · ·
1:30 AM Saturday, 23 April 2016
So here is the deal, when EasyBlog was first introduced to me I was excited and found it a real treat to work with. As the build went on and everyone's feature requests started to creep into the final build I found some of it to be valuable but as of late I am finding it more and more full of bloat and things that are making it a big pain in the backside to configure and setup. The last revision with this popup to write posts is riddled with issues. Clients continue to hit me up because theirs wont work and I too had issues getting it to work on my site.

So my request is that we have a simple version of EasyBlog, one that is more like it was when the extension was first introduced. 99% of my clients just need a clean, easy way to post blogs. They dont want all this complexity and I dont want the headache of trying to troubleshoot compatibility issues because the new thing wont work. I just want a simple solution that I can offer my clients. As of now I am recommending other solutions that are half baked but ones that at least I am not spending half my time trying to figure out why it will not work with their server configuration.

Dont get me wrong, support at StackIdeas is fantastic and I have found the staff to be awesome but I do not have time to come here and open support tickets or in most cases have to ask my clients open support tickets because of this one site only support mentality. Quite simply I dont have the time for it and my clients have even less time or even the patients to request help. The last straw was yesterday when I asked a client to post this issue to support and was bluntly told "we hired you to support us, not this StackIdeas and if you cant help us we will find someone who can or a solution that works!".

So unless you can offer a simple blog solution and want to continue on this path of more is better I am going to have to say goodbye to StackIdeas and find a simpler solution. Hopefully you can find a way to offer a simple version while continuing to cater to the masses with a more over the top version to make them happy.
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