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EasyBlog - FaLang Translation Compatibility

Gary Miller · ·
1:39 AM Thursday, 07 January 2016
Hello, I am working with the developer of the popular FaLang extension to add translated content to EasyBlog 5 in Joomla 3. I have been able to configure the FaLang extension so that it sees the EasyBlog content via a few XML documents (available through other posts on your forum). The issue I ran into is that the translated content was not appearing through the front-end of my website. Stéphane, the FaLang developer, was great in that he went in and looked into the issue. From what he tells me the issue is that the EasyBlog content revision system is over-writing the translated content. This takes place is:
administrator/components/com_easyblog/includes/post/post.php around line 560:

public function checkoutFromRevision()
$workbench = $this->revision->getContent();

if (! $workbench) {

// somehow the revision id is exists but the revisions.content is empty.
// we need to regenerate the revisions.content.

} else {

$this->revision_id = $this->revision->id;

Stéphane's solution was to set the Workbench to Null so that the EasyBlog software would not overwrite the translated content.

public function checkoutFromRevision()
$workbench = $this->revision->getContent();

if (! $workbench) {

// somehow the revision id is exists but the revisions.content is empty.
// we need to regenerate the revisions.content.

} else {

$this->revision_id = $this->revision->id;

We are both wondering if there is a better way to get the same results or if this solution looks acceptable? If you have any suggestions or recommendations they would be greatly appreciated.

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