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Easy Social 1.2 groupe task app ?

lindyhopper · ·
9:07 AM Thursday, 06 February 2014

I am excited to hear that in 1.2 you are adding a task app for groupes :) i realy could use this :) so cool !!

I tried the Project fork component and it is great but much to complicated for my every day needs. (http://www.projectfork.net/) and to complicated for my users

For me, within a groupe, the perfect task app woud be a visual way to let other users know how far along a task is and who is dealing with it (not to different from your road map in fact ^^)

i would also love to have an ajustable % bar, but much more simpler than the Project fork one, all is needed is for the user to be able to click on the bar to change the % and show how far allong the task is. or if it is compleated. http://www.hopnswing.com/images/project.JPG

i also like your easydiscuss polls % bar (this is where the idea came from)

Featues of the task app in a groupe :
Name of task
Name of who is assigned to the task
a visual % bar
stream ellements + notifications (only for the people in the groupe)

Hope this is possible :D

I have just added this in voices : http://stackideas.com/voices/item/278 Please vote if you think this would be good to :)
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