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Drop down menu - doesn't appear on mobile

Paul Fenton · ·
8:30 PM Wednesday, 07 June 2017
Hi, I am going through a trial and error process of implementing your different methods of integrating login / registration.

I like the simplicity of the drop down menu implementation. I inserted the module into my header - which works fine on the desktop - but not on mobile. Even though the template is set up to show visibility of this module on all formats. Would you know of a reason why it is not showing? To be clear what is not showing is the two buttons Sign in and Register.

If this is a limitation of this module I would have to resort to the use of the other modules. But what is then the best way of implementing menu items for Edit profile and Account and logout. I have created a user menu with these menu items but again they do not show when a user has signed in.
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