When a user delete his account in ES and the website has EB & ED installed then, that user must have 2 checkbox options on the pop-up for deleting the articles and forum posts.
Are you sure you want to delete your profile? This action is irreversible:
- Keep this box check to anonymise the data and help the community or uncheck to delete all your forum posts.
- Keep this box check to anonymise the data and help the community or uncheck to delete all your articles posts.
In both cases the anonymisation is made by this option,
Owner for orphaned items and is ok, but we must ask the owner of that content.
If you have ES and EB installed then, only the option for keeping the articles will be available.
If you have ES and ED installed then, only the option for keeping the forum posts will be available.
When the
Account Deletion Behavior is set to
Delete Account & Notify Admins and the website admin is deleting the account then the system must remember the options made by the user and delete/ keep the items choosed in the deleting form.
I hope the explanation from above make sense and if you like this then, don't be shy and vote for it
Thank you.