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Create new filter? Can you title this: Create new Channel Filter

Randall McCallum · ·
10:39 AM Sunday, 15 December 2013

The Filters in EasySocial are extremely powerful feature, but getting users of an Easysocial based network to understand what Filters are for will be a challenge. Even though I knew what they were for, it took a bit to create filtered content. Since I wanted to describe the Filter Feature to my sitew users, I did some searching for curated content filters andI found this new network called N3work.com and it is based around channel filters. They seem to think they have something unique, but little do they realize that EasySocial offers the same content topic Filter features.

From the Gigaom.com article on N3twork.com app network - From the outset, the app draws a lot of familiarity from traditional social networks: there’s a steady stream of content from people you know, presented in a standard feed. But the difference is that instead of only following people, users of N3twork can also follow things: basketball, cars, business and religion. Young says that users are able to make so-called “Channels” of organized content, which are immediately searchable and trackable through N3twork’s system via the hashtag.

Check these articles out on N3twork, a new social network app for iphone and iPad.

The N3twork app, developed by a San Francisco start-up of the same name, is a tool to help curators and readers find and organize the best content on the Internet. The company released the first public version of the app for iPhones and iPads on Thursday through Apple’s App Store.

Users can post articles, videos and photos to topic channels, with a short headline and Twitter-like comment about why they found the content interesting enough to share. Other users can like the items, comment on them, repost them to other channels, save them for later or share them via email, Twitter or Facebook.

If you find a particular topic — space, for example — interesting, you can dive into it, flicking up and down through the posts and stopping at the ones you like.

Articles on N3twork.com describing the network and it's features.






EasySocial offers this capability with filters ( #topicfilters) but educating users what Filters are for in the easysocial network will require better wording to describe the Filter features.

I am suggesting that the feature be called: Channel Filters - as the feature allows users to create unique topic channels using hashtag filters.

Create a new Channel Filter
Create / edit your unique stream channel filter here.

Channel Filter Title:
Note: Enter your Channel Filter name here. A Channel Filter name cannot be empty.

Channel Hash Tag:
Note: Include # followed by a keyword and comma to separate each hashtag. E.g: #news,#world

Suggestions welcome.
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