UPDATES EasyBlog 6.0.11 Released! Update to the latest version now!


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It is currently off working hours and most of us aren't around

Rest assured that we will get back to you as soon as the day starts tomorrow!
It is currently a public holiday for us from where we are at.

There may be a delay in our responses but rest assured that we will be back at full speed when we are back to the office.
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The post Routing Behavior Marketplace Item Page has been closed with the note
Thanks, locking this as we have already added this into our issue tracker.

In the Beta 2 update there is in fact a modification in the link title but not the routing behavior issue... :(

When you are browsing for items in a Marketplace most of the time spent is for searching items.
I find it then normal that the Back to Marketplace button brings you back to the previous page instead of the item owner page...that is not browsing back but redirect to a new page...

Even better 2 buttons:
- Back : brings you back to the previous page of your search
- Owner items (or something similar) : brings you to the owners' items list page

There is room enough next to the '"See **owners'** Marketplace" button to add a second button which can take the browser window to the previous page.
A button or a link and by clicking it browser will return to previous page.
This can be done by using html or by using JavaScript.
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