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Categories output issue

Mist · ·
1:31 PM Saturday, 08 March 2014
I am struggling for some time now to find a bug and can't solve it yet, maybe you can help me out.

I am trying to output the subcategories in a dropdown menu but for some reason only the first subcategory link gets the "li" wrapper

I am outputting the subcategories this way

<ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right dropdown-scroll" role="menu">
<li><?php echo $category->nestedLink; ?></li>

If i am looking at the generated html output i notice that only the first subcategory is rendered inside that "li" tag, all other ones are rendered outside the tag and the subcat names has some comma appended to them
Let me show you an example of the actual html output containing the bug

<ul role="menu" class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right dropdown-scroll">
<li><a href="/subcategory1_link_here">Sbucategory 1</a></li>
<a href="/subcategory2_link_here">, Subcategory 2</a>
<a href="/subcategory3_link_here">, Subcategory 3</a>
<a href="/subcategory4_link_here">, Subcategory 4</a>

As you can notice only the first subcategory gets inside the "li" tag.

So, where i can fix this ?
Where i can control the output for the following code

<?php echo $category->nestedLink; ?>

I think this output is hardcoded somewhere and basically i just want to wrap the links in some "li" tags
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