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Hello Guys,

I've bumped around the Joomla platform since the days of Mambo. Over those years, I have worked with a lot of applications from a number of developers, and deployed dozens of sites.

In that time I've come to a point where I strive to only work with what I call the "best in class" Joomla applications and developers. Now, just this week I've opted to switch from JomSocial to EasySocial. I took my time to investigate and compare the two products, and to a great extent because of my good luck with EasyBlog I thought it was the correct choice.

So imagine my dismay with my experience to date with EasySocial ...

Like many others, I am unable to install EasySocial because of the MD5 hash issue, and am being directed by the installer to "Contact Support". For the record, one of the first red flags for me with an application is the inability for it to install properly ... particularly when it is clear that the server environment is dead on correct.

That aside, I know from experience that even the "Best In Class" developers and applications sometimes have their issues! So before hitting the panic button, I always head for the public forums maintained by the applications developers. 80% to 90% of the time I find a detailed, or at least a clear enough to duplicate solution in the forums, fix the issue myself and move on.

If I can't find an answer in the forums, then I will post my problem preferably as a public question in the forum so that any solution I get can help others facing the same problem. Usually, by utilizing the developers forum, I never have to bother the developer, and better still, I never have to hear those dreaded words,

"Let me have your admin credentials and I'll fix it for you."

Only as a last resort I will go to the ticket system.

And this brings me back to the reason for this post. While I appreciate the offer to "fix" the issue for me, that is not really a solution to the problem. When I encounter an issue with a developers application I'm looking for a repeatable solution that I can implement any time in the future it might be required (upgrades, re-installs, etc) OR better yet I want the developer to squash what ever bug is causing the problem.

The way problems, bugs and issues are handled has become one of the more important criteria for me when choosing software tools to work with ...

So guys, I'm posting this here in hopes that you can provide a detailed, or at least clear solution in public to the issue I and others are encountering when attempting to install EasySocial. I of course hope in the very near future you correct the issue completely, but for now a solution I can implement for myself is sufficient.

Isn't it possible to provide the install package with a standard Joomla install procedure so that EasySocial can be installed through the standard Joomla installer like the majority of other applications???

Frank J Kelly

P.S. One thing I will point out is that when trying to do a "Network Install" the file returned to my server is not a valid zip file and probably explains the problem there. It does not explain though the issue trying to do an install from my server as per the alternate install method.
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