I built a simple module to just call joomla user info and show a user within a control panel style page, i'm trying to do the same with EasySocial and get rid of the current module as i've now setup EasySocial for registration and would like to call basic user info and show on frontend.
Something like:
defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );
$user = JFactory::getUser();
if (!$user->control-panel) {
echo 'You are logged in as:<br>';
echo '<b>User name</b>: ' . $user->username . '</br>';
echo '<b>Real name</b>: ' . $user->name . '<p></p>';
echo '<b>Email</b>: ' . $user->email . '<br>';
echo '<b>User ID</b> : ' . $user->id . '<br>';