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Blog notifications

Giulia Magnesa · ·
3:53 PM Friday, 28 August 2015
At my question regarding the blog notifications send to our followers.
Someone sent me the email they receive each time there is a new post and it is really generic, there is not even a picture.
It’s not really enticing for clients. Is there any way to modify it? Like changing the font and adding a picture at least related to the article?

Mark gently answered: Did you add a post cover for your blog post? If you did, EasyBlog will actually add the image into the email :) If you want to modify or customize the behavior of the email, you could actually customize the emails template file at /components/com_easyblog/themes/wireframe/emails/html/post.new.php :)

But first of all I don't have Settings- Layout - Post cover (maybe my EasyBlog v.3.9.24862 - Joomla 2.5) and I would avoid to make any changes on php files as I'm not an expert of php.

Hope you can help me

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