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Best server configurations

Kevin Morrison · ·
12:28 PM Saturday, 10 January 2015
I know this is a broad topic and no one can possibly cover every possible configuration. However I think because EasySocial is such a server intensive application, generally any social platform is, they tend to run slower than other types of websites.

I think it would be good to have a better understanding of what types of server settings would be best (or at least better) to effectively run an EasySocial website. Hopefully some of the devs and other knowledgeable support personnel will chime in here and help get us up to speed with at least some of the more common configurations we could apply to our servers.

I personally have been having some lag issues that are difficult to troubleshoot. I have sought out others on the forum that have been in similar situations and while I have got a tip here and there as to what might be causing my problems I think it would go a long way to helping all of us if we had some better understanding about proper configurations.

So please chime in devs and give us some useful info that we can work with to get the most out of your awesome extensions...;)
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