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BBCode emoticons

Kevin Ortman · ·
11:48 AM Wednesday, 08 January 2014
Emoticons in conversation messages generate invalid HTML.

FILE: administrator/components/com_easysocial/tables/conversationmessage.php
FUNCTION: getContents
parseBBCode() is called before replaceHyperlinks(), thus replaceHyperlinks() mangles the HTML tags generated by parseBBCode, including emoticons IMG tag.
I was able to work around this by changing the order (replaceHyperlinks, parseBBCode, replaceEmails), it works but has not been fully tested and may be insecure.

REPRODUCE: Create a message with an emoticon shortcut "This is a test :)".

// Apply bbcode
$message = Foundry::string()->parseBBCode( $message );

// Apply e-mail replacements
$message = Foundry::string()->replaceEmails( $message );

// Apply hyperlinks
$message = Foundry::string()->replaceHyperlinks( $message );

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