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Assigning Points

Ashley Rosenthal · ·
4:39 AM Tuesday, 11 February 2014
Hi there,

I am creating some new .points files and using the documentation from http://docs.stackideas.com/developers/points/rule_file. The rules that I am trying to create are to give users points when they actually rate another users article, as well as another rule that gives the user points based on someone else's rating of their article.

The only portion of the rule that I am having trouble with is the "Command."

I examined some other rules and see things like "app.install" and "author.read.article."

I am not sure how to even come up with the command for rating someone else's article. I am imagining something like "rate.article" or "author.rate.article".... is this on the right path? Or how do I determine the language to use in the commands. I have attached the rules that I created so far w/out the commands obviously in hopes that you have some suggestion of where I should look to create new commands.
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