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Hi everyone,

I would like to tease your brain, both Stackideas' and community's...

The point is we can't always wait for other to make what you need and SI's attention is already quite focus over other matters. However, I would like to go over what I consider a web 2.0 matter when it comes to form and fields: logical and conditional operators to control custom fields. I wouldn't make over a clone of a form just to adjust my form depending on 1 answer like:

1. Are you a person or a corporation ? yes and no
if yes : display first name and last name
if no: display Corporation name

Actual solution in 1.3... I have 2 profile which is in my mind stupid (okk I have more than one question per profile but it is all based on this simple question)

Considering that there are custom fields in profile, group, events... this is quite effective to control the proper information you want to record. However, the structure of ES is quite complex when it comes to lib and framework use by the team. It needs quite complicate following and updating (compile) to the lib and can't really be done seriously without having SI incorporating the code or addition.

I had two visions to make that work which I would like to know your opinion or general ideas:

A) The structural and simpler idea but which would need SI's dedication

Incorporate the conditional operators into a separate panel into each and every single custom field with no operator by default which would result in display when the DOM onDisplay pipeline is triggered.

When you need to have a conditional on one field, you go to the tab:
1: select one conditional operator: IF
2: select the UNIQUE field id from which we want to test:
3: select the logical operator to test it to: equals
4: select what value you want to test it to

this pipeline resemble the custom search module code structure. This can then be attach to one's custom field setting and upon triggering the DOM, with proper jQuery-like selector .hide and .show custom method when one field has something set.

B) The much more complex but doable solution without really hacking the framework

Have custom field apps: if start braces, end braces, etc... This could be done to sell it but this is not my purpose. However, having each element as a custom field itself, especially in complex form structure, would feel to me like slowing the whole code and structure.

You place a IF START BRACE: just after the field you want to test and have two selections inside the right tab (the #3 and #4 of previous). Therefore, all the fields before an END BRACE or ELSE IF BRACE. The else if would take the last if brace as its main selector. Obviously this makes the process quite sequential but could be doable. The backend and frontend javascript would be more complex however. This would have also to be extend to all type of custom fields and would be more complicated to update and to build at all.

Anyway, I'm sure something could work. Any input is welcome.Idea based on Community Builder from previous version.

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