UPDATES EasyBlog 6.0.11 Released! Update to the latest version now!


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Our Time
Response Time
24 — 48 hours
We strive to provide the fastest ever response possible. However, we are not super beings.

Allow at least 24 — 48 hours
  Support is offline
It is currently off working hours and most of us aren't around

Rest assured that we will get back to you as soon as the day starts tomorrow!
It is currently a public holiday for us from where we are at.

There may be a delay in our responses but rest assured that we will be back at full speed when we are back to the office.
  Support is offline

Only a few line of code will show points and badges for comment authors.(code below)

Is it possible to add this to the next update?

I am posting it here because this is a solution and not really a feature request.


<?php if (EB::points()->hasIntegrations()) { ?>
<div class="eb-points">
<?php echo EB::points()->html($comment->author); ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php if (EB::achievements()->hasIntegrations()) { ?>
<div class="eb-achievements mt-10">
<?php echo EB::achievements()->html($comment->author); ?>
<?php } ?>

Kind regards,

P.S: I have no idea why the copy and paste of this code here give "oints" instead of points"
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