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Activities, reply, and reply max level

Philidia · ·
9:04 PM Wednesday, 23 December 2015
Hello :)

This post is a mix of 3 different issues I have with Komento, and they're related to each other. It's possible that it's an intended behavior, so, I apologize If I'm talking about something that is pretty normal.

So, my first problem is with the reply system. It looks like when you reach the max level of replies, you don't have a "reply" button. Pretty logic, since it's the max level. However, is it possible to keep this max level and still have a "reply" button? The comment would be then below the comment you're responding to (With a "In response to X"?). At the moment, you must reply to the previous comment who reached the max level to have a comment below the one you're trying to answer.

And the second problem is that you're then responding to the wrong comment. It means that a user can see some answers to his comment that are unrelated to what he said. My main worry is that actually, people on my website are exactly doing it, and while I'm planning to add a link to their comments activities, they could have some notifications that are useless for them.

"They could", because that's my third problem. Does their comments activities are supposed to show people who replied to their comments? For me, it's obvious that you'll probably want to see if someone is answering to something you said. But after some testing, it looks like it only shows your own activity. Is it intended? If yes, do you plan on adding comments that are responding to your own comments in the future? And finally, if yes again, would what I said before be a problem for that?

Not sure it's easy to understand, so, feel free to ask any required clarification :)
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