UPDATES EasyBlog 6.0.14 Released! Joomla 5.x and PHP 8.x compatible now!
EasyBlog 5.4 is Available for Download Now!

EasyBlog 5.4 is Available for Download Now!

​Today, we would like to announce the availability of EasyBlog 5.4. Read on to learn more about EasyBlog 5.4

If you have not already seen the previous post, here's a recap of the new functionality that is included in EasyBlog 5.4:

Videos as Post Cover ?

Video Post Cover

Your posts would now be even more interactive with videos being your post cover! We cannot wait to see these awesome video post covers on your sites.

Accordion Block

Accordion Block

Accordion is often used as a FAQ and with the all-new Accordion block in the built-in editor of EasyBlog, you can now include collapsible contents separated by sections.

PDF Viewer for Mobile ?

PDF Viewer on ?

PDF Documents embedded in EasyBlog will now render a PDF Viewer when viewing with a mobile device.

Easy Administration ?

PDF Viewer on ?

One of the toughest challenges we face is the flexibility of EasyBlog. Because of its flexibility, there is a ton of settings to play around with. To simplify your administration process, we have added a search to search for settings in the administration area.

New Pagination option for Grid Layout

Auto Scrolling for Grid Layouts

It is now possible to use infinite scrolling pagination style for the Grid Layout instead of the standard pagination.

Related Posts  

Related Posts Settings

You can now configure the behavior of Related Posts by Tags, Category or Similar Titles

Blogger Cloud Module

Blogger Cloud Module

In EasyBlog 5.4, we have also added a new Blogger Cloud module. This module displays the author's name and the size of their names would be dependent on the number of posts created on the site. Definitely a plus point to reward your authors!

Capitalize First Letters

Dropcap in action

EasyBlog can now automatically capitalize the first letter of your post. It will be pretty stylish!

Scheduled Posts Indicator

Scheduled Post Indicator

We have added a new Scheduled Post indicator in the posts listing at the back-end as an effort to simplify your daily administration process.

Blog This Button ⚡️

Blog This!

With the Blog This button, you can now quickly share a link via EasyBlog by clicking on a bookmarked button. The process is as simple as dragging and dropping the action button into your bookmarks tab.

Brand New Mobile Navigator

With EasyBlog 5.4, we have also re-written the navigation on mobile devices and we believe that many of your users will appreciate the new navigation on their mobile devices!

Helix Theme

EasyBlog Helix Theme

Most of the templates that we designed at StackIdeas relies heavily on the Helix framework. Therefore, we decided to add a new Helix theme to inherit styles and behavior from any templates powered by Helix.

GDPR Support for Embedded iFrame 

Handling GDPR for iframe

With the recent GDPR regulation imposed by the EU, you may now configure EasyBlog to also render an "Agree to view" button before rendering the contents of the iFrame to the user.

Other Changes

Our team pushed really hard for this release to ensure that nothing is left behind. Apart from these awesome features listed above, this is a glimpse of what was changed / modified in EasyBlog 5.4:

  • ? You can now add your Facebook Page URL to associate your posts with your Facebook Page
  • ? Media Manager now supports JFIF images
  • ? Save buttons at the back end are now grouped together to produce less cluttered interface
  • ? Added "Post Message" settings in Facebook auto posting to allow message to be included when auto posted to Facebook
  • ? Added settings for categories in search on toolbar to respect site's language
  • Added missing read more button on Card Layouts
  • EasyBlog no longer enforces MyISAM type on the tables created in new installations
  • Fixed an issue with Google Structured Data where Google was reporting a bad escape sequence
  • Removed checking against Magic Quotes since it is now already deprecated in PHP
  • Fixed issue with certain RSS Feeds not validated by Feed Validator
  • Addressed issue with tags when rendering UIKit theme
  • Featured posts will now respect read more tag
  • Removed next and prev attributes in the header as Google no longer indexes them
  • Error message will now be displayed in comparison block when either one of the images is smaller than the other
  • Post covers in card layout will now render alt attributes
  • Fixed issue with Elegant theme overflowing out of the container
  • EasyBlog will now respect events to log settings for Action Logs in Joomla
  • Addressed feed importer issue in Joomla 4
  • Media manager will now respect selected media source when embedding image into post
  • Fixed issue with deprecated notices from PHP 7.4.1
  • Fixed back button in template editor not redirecting back to the proper page
  • Fixed issue with overflowing text when using Nickel theme
  • Fixed styling issues when creating a new Team Blog on the front end
  • Fixed errors when comparing older revision of post
  • Author's Recent Posts limit is now respecting the settings from the Entry View Layout
  • Fixed styling issue with Publish button on quick posting form
  • Fixed dialogs styling issue when adding a new subscriber from the back end
  • Updated character limit for Twitter Auto posting to 280 characters
  • Updated Flickr integration to support latest API from Flickr
  • Addressed conflicts with Bootstrap 4 templates
  • Reactions in post are now responsive and will render correctly on mobile devices
  • Fixed incorrect position of avatar on mobile devices when rendered in card layout
  • Remote e-mail publishing will now fall back to a default account if EasyBlog is unable to map the user's e-mail
  • Fixed ACL checks for users to access component updates
  • Fixed issue with upload button in gallery block not working for iPhone devices
  • Fixed issue with Twitter not able to crawl the site when "Original" image variant is used due to the size of the file
  • Fixed missing upload progress bar in media manager
  • Disabling Post Cover in Grid Layout menu settings will now hide post covers correctly
  • Remove the use of JFile::read as it is now deprecated
  • When user is deleted and does not have any blog post, their media files will be deleted
  • Fixed issue with Google Structured Data rendering warnings regarding Ratings
  • Tags in Composer will now respect site language
  • When using EasySocial comments, comment counter will now be rendered in EasyBlog posts
  • Fixed an issue with Safari on macOS when tooltip is not hidden after deleting blocks in the composer
  • Comparison blocks are now hidden from Google AMP since there are no alternative AMP tag for it
  • Updated the way EasyBlog uses the API in Joomla to set Opengraph and Twitter Cards data
  • Improved the speed of rendering composer when editing existing posts
  • Fixed auto detection of xmlrpc when using an xmlrpc capable client such as MarsEdit and Open Live Writer

Updating to EasyBlog 5.4

Updating to EasyBlog 5.4 is pretty straight forward. All you need to do is to click on the "Update" button in Joomla's Single Click Updater or the "Update" button from the back end of EasyBlog. An alternative method for updating to EasyBlog 5.4, is to download it from your account area and installing it just like how you normally would.

Happy Updating and Stay Safe Everyone! ?

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