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Bundle Renewal Pricing... A Let Down Every Year

Kane · ·
3:34 AM Tuesday, 24 January 2017
So it is renew time again and every year I am disappointed with StackIdeas renewal pricing.

20% is great... except it is no discount at all.

If I were to buy the bundle, ES, ED, EB for the first time, I would get 20% off.

So when I get the renewal email and see 20% off, I'm excited, and then bummed when I see the discount only applies ala carte. And after adding up my ala carte, discounted pricing, guess what? It's the about the same as the bundle pricing for first timers. No loyalty discount at all.

This is negative loyalty and prompted me to take the time to write this second message (1st was last year). I own a software loyalty company. I recommend fixing this problem or people will leave as soon as there is a better offer.

Here are good articles on loyalty.

“A 5% increase in customer retention can increase a company’s profitability by 75 percent”


“Reducing your customer defection rate 5% can increase your profitability 25-125 percent”


“The average repeat customer spends 67% more in their 31st-36th months of their relationship with a business than in months 0-6”

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