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We have acquired PayPlans from ReadyBytes

We have acquired PayPlans from ReadyBytes

About a week ago, we just pushed out the first alpha release of EasySocial 2.1 and today, we are extremely thrilled to announce this! We have acquired PayPlans and it will be available under the StackIdeas umbrella commencing 6th September, 2017, which is today. 

Read on to learn more,

After some heavy consideration, the team agreed that it would be a great opportunity to further enhance our existing products, partly because many of our users have been requesting for a membership subscription extension for quite some time now. Building a membership subscription for Joomla has always been on the back of our minds for a while now and it only makes sense for us to take over the development of PayPlans rather than reinventing off the wheel all over again.

Claim Your License

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all ReadyBytes users to our family and we hope to get to know you better. The transition process has been simplified and all you need to do is to click on the button below to claim your existing licenses that you already have with ReadyBytes.

Once you have claimed your licenses, you may head over to your dashboard to access the downloads. If by any chance you are experiencing any difficulty claiming your licenses, please do not hesitate to contact us.


We have migrated most of the documentation from ReadyBytes and the documentation will now be available at https://stackideas.com/docs/payplans . If you found any broken links due to the migration, please do let us know.

Simplified Pricing

We have also revised and simplified the existing pricing plans, there will only be 2 plans available for purchase starting today:

Professional Plan

  • Includes 6 months of premium priority support and software updates
  • Support for up to 1 domain
  • Unlimited installation on as many domains as you want 
  • 20% discounts on renewals

Developer Plan

  • Includes 6 months of premium priority support and software updates
  • Support for up to 5 domains
  • Unlimited installation on as many domains as you want 
  • 20% discounts on renewals

Moving Forward, PayPlans 3.7

We have not really made much changes to the extension just yet, as we would like to get the new users to feel comfortable at home with us first. However, the team is already underway re-working PayPlans 3.7 with some exciting updates and integration with the rest of our Joomla extensions.

​This is just the tip of the iceberg in regards to the newly acquired PayPlans for StackIdeas, we have really exciting announcements in store for you in the coming days, so stay tuned! :)

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