1. Welcome
  2. Getting Started

Getting Started

Getting Started

Hip Hip Hooray and Welcome To ConverseKit Documentation.

First and foremost, we would like to say Thank You for your support and the interest of purchasing ConverseKit! Without your continuous support, it would never have made it. Before we dive further into the installation part, lets take a minute to understand what is ConverseKit.

What Is ConverseKit?

ConverseKit is a plugin that enhances usability of EasySocial by adding a super cool chat icon on every pages of your site. It is currently relies on EasySocial to build it's contacts list and conversations between users. This dependency will be removed in future releases and ConverseKit will be able to be standalone.

If you're curious of what are the benefits and feature ConverseKit has, you should surf our ConverseKit Demo and get the grasp of the ConverseKit now. Learn more on ConverseKit On The Site documentation.


Before jumping into deep configuration, you'll need to ensure that your site have met the Minimum Requirements in order for ConverseKit to run smoothly.


ConverseKit requires that you have installed the latest version of Joomla on the site.

PHP Requirements

ConverseKit runs on PHP and it is surely requires PHP to be existed on the site. The following are the PHP libraries and packages that are needed by ConverseKit.

  • PHP v5.6+ and above.
  • PHP: [memory_limit = 128MB].

MySQL Requirements

ConverseKit requires a minimum version of MySQL v5.6.


Conversekit requires EasySocial to be installed on the site. This dependency will be removed in the future releases.
Conversekit v1.0 requires at least EasySocial v2.0.10 to be running on the site.
This article is separated into multiple sections as follow: