UPDATES EasyBlog 6.0.11 Released! Update to the latest version now!


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hello, i just tried Easyblog 5 Demo of Composer with iPad Air and iPhone (Safari Browser) and the Usibility experience was very disappointing! :(

who should operate with this?? :o

- in landscape and portrait modus the editor jumps up and down
- for each click on a tab jumps the keyboard in the screen
- showed button doesn`t react on clicks in portrait modus
- everything reacts very slow on clicks
- the main part of blogging is only 1/3 of the screen in landscape view
- there are a lots of editor buttons wich cover the actual Blog Section

and so on..

i think the stackideas team should go again through every part of the composer and make it realy working for iOS and Android Devices! you should order a comprehensive testing on Utest or any other testing plattform for EB 5 Composer.

Composer needs urgent testing with different iOS and Android Devices and Mobile Browser scenarios.

come on..we are living in a mobile world and Composer version 5.30 is soo...grrrr:(

The software name is "Easyblog" but honestly the Composer is neither easy or very user friendly on mobile Devices!
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