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Gavin G · ·
3:59 AM Wednesday, 29 October 2014
I am a longtime subscriber to many of the Stackideas products and whilst I understand you guys have been really busy with EasySocial (fantastic job by the way) and then EasyBlog, I just wanted to know when EasyDiscuss is going to get some love? It hasn't really received anything in the way of updates for a long time now except for a few minor bug fixes. I'm wondering if I should even bother re-subbing when it runs out. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, I love the product and I am happy to have paid for it and received the years support, but I'm not really seeing any point to subbing for another year when it's practically stayed the same as when I originally bought it.

It could really use some love in the EasySocial integration department as was promised way back when EasySocial was still in beta.

Better integration and syncing with the stream for a start because right now it does nothing more than what you can do with 3rd party Jomsocial - I would expect two stackideas products to be much tighter. If somebody replies to the ED post on the stream, it should add that reply to the actual ED discussion - or simply give us the option to turn off the comment link for ED post announcements because it fragments the discussion having some replies on the stream and some in the actual ED post.

Integration with photo albums so that you can insert a photo or even a whole album into an EasyDiscuss post and any newly uploaded photo attachments could be added to an ES album called Discussion Photos or something, just like we have Story Photos right now.

Mentions and hashtag integrations please.

Update Foundry to be the same version as ES because the scripts are massive enough as it is without users having to load up 2x Foundry scripts or even 3 if you have Easyblog too. They always seem to be using different versions. It's a horrible experience on mobiles.

Fix that Read More pagination button in discussion posts. It doesn't make sense having this type of pagination when posts can have many hundreds of replies - it should be a normal numbered list pagination.

Make a copy of the Accepted Answer post to place at the top of the thread and leave the original where it is because it breaks the flow of the conversation and gets confusing just having it moved to the top. I use ED as forum software rather than simply Q&A, but even if I were to use it as pure Q&A software, I would still make this request. Most Q&A sites I have used have the accepted answer at the top AND in it's original place in the thread of replies.

I will happily add these suggestions to the Voices section but the main point of my post is to ask when there will be a substantial update to EasyDiscuss - because I'm debating if it's worth resubscribing.

Thanks guys :)
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