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Upcoming events display in sidebar

Michael Guthrie · ·
6:44 PM Friday, 30 January 2015
Hello again,
I'm in the final testing stage and I'm loving it so far. I created yet another new user, I noticed an event that was created within a group is displaying in the left column. The thing is
1) the group the event was created for is invite-only so for users that don't belong to that group, the event shouldn't show
2) the event itself was invite-only so again, it shouldn't show
Is there a way to prevent that? I don't want to hide that box in the dashboard view, I just want it to only display events the user I'm logged in with has permissions to view.

Also, additional related question - is there a way to configure events within groups to be open to the members of those groups? I didn't see any option to change this and the events automatically inherit the invite-only option from the group
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