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Unintended "Agency Plan" Should Be "Unlimited"

Kevin · ·
2:43 AM Sunday, 30 March 2014
Today I wanted to upgrade EasySocial from Professional to Unlimited expecting a charge of about $100 so I could get support on another site I started today. However, I was refunded $95.53 and charged $442.19. Can you please put me on the "Unlimited at $199/yr" with support for 5 domains and refund the difference? Here's what happened:

I intended to purchase the "Unlimited" plan from your pricing (Community, Professional, Unlimited) and here. I would have expected it to cost $100 more (Unlimited $199 vs Professional $99).

However, the choices in my dashboard were to upgrade to either "professional" or "agency plan" and since I already had Professional I chose agency, thinking that's what you called the "Unlimited plan". I now understand that wasn't correct and I was charged $442.19. Can you please put me on the "Unlimited at $199/yr" with support for 5 domains and refund the difference?

Sorry to cause you extra effort, thank you in advance for your help.
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