UPDATES EasyBlog 6.0.11 Released! Update to the latest version now!


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Hello Stackideas team,

I hope you are well. I upgraded to your awesome EB 5 latest version, and it has completely broken my blog page -- there's a huge block of white space below the blog posts listing, and then there's a chunk of white text again below the bottom of the page. It's clear that something's broken and I've tried adjusting all of the layout-related and pagination settings, nothing seems to fix the problem.

Unless I choose only 10 items in the pagination settings -- and then the front page works fine, but the second page breaks in the way I just described. I'd like to have 30 listed per page.

There's also a lot of code text in an error box at the top of the page. Something isn't linking to something else since the update -- again, I'm really sorry I can't give you more details, what I did manage to do though is play with all the settings and nothing will make it go away.

Could you please take a look at these two issues and let me know how to fix them?

I would appreciate any feedback whatsoever! Thanks again for your time and support.

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