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I completely reinstalled the software of the site: CMS, EasySocial, Kunena, EasyBlog. And then I switched it to an old database. Everything was started normally (both the EasySocial and the forum, users etc), except the Easyblog - On the frontend of site there are no blog posts. I can see they in backend, but in frontend - empty. No blogposts, no categories... https://gyazo.com/d72f514168d62dfcbecd99592e61440d
I don't see blog's titles in activity stream in Easysocial... nowhere, only in backend.
As you can see there is info about number of author's posts - https://gyazo.com/d3f9da0511b1abcdf8753c8ad7aa2ace - 4 posts, but then I see "Author has no posts"

-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
-- version
-- http://www.phpmyadmin.net
-- Host:
-- Generation Time: Jan 21, 2016 at 12:56 PM
-- Server version: 5.5.44-37.3-log
-- PHP Version: 5.3.3

SET time_zone = "+00:00";

/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;

-- Database: `namemy`

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `##_easyblog_post`

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `##_easyblog_post` (
`id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`created_by` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
`created` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`modified` datetime DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`title` text,
`permalink` text NOT NULL,
`content` longtext NOT NULL,
`intro` longtext NOT NULL,
`excerpt` text,
`category_id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
`published` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`publish_up` datetime DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`publish_down` datetime DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`ordering` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`vote` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`hits` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`private` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`allowcomment` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
`subscription` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
`frontpage` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`isnew` tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'To indicate whether the post is new created or already been edited',
`ispending` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0',
`issitewide` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1',
`blogpassword` varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`latitude` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`longitude` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`address` text,
`system` tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
`posttype` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`robots` text,
`copyrights` text,
`image` text,
`language` char(7) NOT NULL,
`send_notification_emails` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
`autoposting` text NOT NULL,
`state` int(1) unsigned NOT NULL,
`locked` tinyint(3) NOT NULL,
`doctype` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`revision_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0',
`access` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`ip` varchar(250) NOT NULL,
`source_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0',
`source_type` varchar(64) DEFAULT '',
`document` text,
KEY `easyblog_post_catid` (`category_id`),
KEY `easyblog_post_published` (`published`),
KEY `easyblog_post_created_by` (`created_by`),
KEY `easyblog_post_blogger_list` (`published`,`id`,`created_by`),
KEY `easyblog_post_search` (`private`,`published`,`issitewide`,`created`),
KEY `easyblog_frontpage1` (`published`,`frontpage`,`created`),
KEY `idx_post_revision` (`revision_id`),
KEY `idx_post_permalink` (`permalink`(255)),
KEY `easyblog_post_searchnew` (`access`,`published`,`created`),
KEY `idx_pre_soucetype_postcount` (`published`,`state`,`source_type`,`source_id`),
KEY `idx_post_sql1` (`published`,`state`,`source_type`,`source_id`,`created`)


I cant give you access to ftp and administrator panel and please you try explain here what should I do for normal work.
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