UPDATES EasyBlog 6.0.11 Released! Update to the latest version now!


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Our team is away during the weekend. Some answers may already be available on our documentation

Rest assured that we will get back to your posts as soon as the week starts!
  Support is offline
Could the ES team add in commas as separators for every 1000 points digits? My community has high point values with some members in the 100,000s and the numbers end up looking like phone numbers which is hard to read. It would be great if the format was changed at least on the leaderboard and profile pages.

now: 534293 | 258920 | 100201 | 77825 | 5559
after: 534,293 | 258,920 | 100,201 | 77,825 | 5,559

Also, I may have missed it but is there a way to prevent certain users from earning any points at all, like administrators? Or designate a profile type to not acquire points?
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