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Photos Centralized within a Single Menu Item

Josh Lewis · ·
6:29 AM Saturday, 18 April 2015
Here is the voice page for this.

It would be awesome to see ES some day have a menu item dedicated to photos. Currently we know of the "All Albums" one which shows collections, however photo communities want to show photos from many different members quickly. Albums do not provide this kind of flexibility.

By having a separate menu item for photos it would eventually enable us to create our own photo menu's that could make finding interesting photos easier. Here's a mockup I made:


A few examples of popular websites that use this technique: 500px - Flickr - SummitPost


  • Less menu items makes more sense. Displaying different views of photos should be consolidated into a single menu item so that it's easier to find and creates less clutter for selecting ES menu items.

  • Filters to display photos according to our needs. We could for example sort by latest, most liked, most viewed, best new, ect. This could open up the possibility of being able to display photos that have certain hashtags (themes). Photo contents would be easy to initiate by having things like #april2015contest or seasonal themes.

  • http://stackideas.com/forums?controller=attachment&task=displayFile&tmpl=component&id=16964

  • Cleaner URL's by having a separate menu item. Here's a comparison:
  • stackideas.com/albums/photos/424-photo-title (current)
    stackideas.com/photos/424-photo-title (ideal)
    This ends up being cleaner and better for sharing links.

  • A filter to manage photos would make it easy to access the page to manage photos (not to be confused with the already existing album manager)

ES 1.4 is planned to have favorite photos which is why I figured I'd post this now. Having separate albums (the favorites one that is) for photos is not as ideal considering that it would require other people to have a copy of someone's photos. I could see this being a red tape issue and it takes up more space on the server.

Intention: I understand that the filter part might be a bit of work. Right now I'm mainly focused on displaying photos in a single menu item for a better photo viewing experience and cleaner urls. Also note that I'm not proposing for the removal of the albums menu item, they can work well side by side.
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