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New badge; Country List and profile Type

Abi · ·
7:31 AM Thursday, 05 May 2016
Hi Folks,

(1) How can I create a badge from friends.registered (userpoints) so that a badge is given after 20 friends registered?

(2) I’d like a situation whereby a user will only feature on the leaderboard if s/he has a badge Id 27. i.e. this badge must be in place before the amount of points are considered. How can I achieve this?

(3) I have a profile type called ‘Patriotic’ and it uses the global Country List, so that a user who selects Patriotic will have to choose one country from the list.
I’d like a situation whereby:-
If profile type chosen is patriotic and country list selection = japan then display japan.png.
If profile type chosen is patriotic and country list selection = China then display china.png etc.

I will have these png files displayed in ../modules/mod_easysocial_leaderboard/tmpl/default.php
.. /components/com_easysocial/themes/wireframe/leaderboard/default.php

Which lines of code can help me to do this?

thd_social_profiles shows that the id is for ‘patriotic’ is 7.

The following is helpful but does not deal with selection from “country List” http://stackideas.com/forums/how-to-check-if-user-have-a-specific-profile-type

(4) I noticed that if User A clicks on the profile of User B and then clicks on Points, s/he is able to see the history of how user B gained points. I want to prevent others from viewing the history of how a person gained their points – how can I do this?
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