UPDATES EasyBlog 6.0.11 Released! Update to the latest version now!


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Our Time
Response Time
24 — 48 hours
We strive to provide the fastest ever response possible. However, we are not super beings.

Allow at least 24 — 48 hours
  Support is offline
Our team is away during the weekend. Some answers may already be available on our documentation

Rest assured that we will get back to your posts as soon as the week starts!
  Support is offline
It would be very useful for our moderators to easily inform a user why a post has been rejected. Since we run a "classroom" environment, we moderate all posts to ensure they abide by the rules. Oftentimes, a student is not aware of a rule and with good intentions makes a post that we must reject, but currently there is not an easy way to inform them of that.
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