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Going from Products to Bundle upgrade path questions…

Paul Murray · ·
12:26 AM Wednesday, 08 March 2017
Hi Stackideas

I need to upgrade a bunch of applications in the next couple of months and have some questions.

As of now this is my situation with some of the numbers rounded up:

Komento Professional: Expires on 3rd June 2017 $45

EasySocial Professional: Expires on 30th March 2017 : Lets call it $150 - 20% = $120 for half a year or $300 - 20% = $240 for a year

EasyBlog Professional: Expires on 3rd June 2017 $80

TOTAL for a year: $365

I like paying thing in little chunks but do not like paying more :o

So obviously I am wondering if I should get a a bundle Pro Bundle…

a) The TOTAL for a year would be $250 right? Or is there an upgrade discount eg 20% for renewing/going from the 3 packages I have?

b) What happens to the Expire date for the Bundle? How would this work? As of now I have 3 separate Expire dates?

c) What happens when my Pro Bundle expires can I renew it at a 20% discount or similar?

Just trying to get my head around this…


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